Artist Sacha Goldberger reimagines fanboy heroes as Elizabethan citizens and the result is astounding

This is an interesting take on the re-imagined.  Artist Sacha Goldberger brings the Shakespearean vibe to our most beloved heroes of Star Wars, Marvel and DC lore and the result is breathtaking!!! You’ll notice that most of these are the actual characters from the films/movies. How it was done so seamlessly is beyond me, butContinue reading “Artist Sacha Goldberger reimagines fanboy heroes as Elizabethan citizens and the result is astounding”

Wanna know what a Star Wars airport looks like?

Computer animator Frank Wunderlich uploaded this several months ago with tags that this was “potentially” leaked footage from the set of Star Wars VII, but for those of us who saw this, we all know that wasn’t the case. But for what it’s worth, it is exquisitely done. The footage was shot in Germany byContinue reading “Wanna know what a Star Wars airport looks like?”

Meet the rest of your day. SID and NANCY mashed up with Growing Pains

I love this shit! I especially love it when classic films are mashed up with 80’s sitcom themes. This is another brilliant example of pure eighties ingenuity! Editor Robert Jones has one up’d the Star Wars/Dallas mashup, with this amazingly edited Sid and Nancy film put to the music of Growing Pains. It’s quite hilarious,Continue reading “Meet the rest of your day. SID and NANCY mashed up with Growing Pains”

Some of the best cosplayers at the Phoenix Comic Con 2014

The results are in and yes, the Phoenix Comic Con is a force to be reckoned with. This year featured booths by Dark Horse Comics, Boom Studios, Archaia Entertainment and many many more. In addition to that, there are a ton of panels and signings, from some heavy hitters in Hollywood and the comic bookContinue reading “Some of the best cosplayers at the Phoenix Comic Con 2014”

When David Lynch turned down the chance to direct Return of the Jedi

I’m a Star Wars fan and I didn’t even know this. I found this on one of my favorite sites Dangerous Minds, it tells a tale of when David Lynch was approached by George Lucas to direct Return of the Jedi. Sounds crazy right? Well it kind of makes sense seeing as how Lynch wasContinue reading “When David Lynch turned down the chance to direct Return of the Jedi”

Lucas Films releases official images and statement on Star Wars casting

I didn’t want to post any Star Wars related rumors, until I knew what was happening, then about 24 minutes ago this image, of the entire cast of Star Wars VII floated across my Facebook feed, along with an official statement from Lucas Films. Yes, it’s officially started and I am thrilled with some ofContinue reading “Lucas Films releases official images and statement on Star Wars casting”

Illustrator Richard Lim puts the Wars back in Star Wars

  Given the high gloss treatment Star Wars has seen over the previous years, it doesn’t take much to reinvent the look of a franchise and I’d say artist Richard Lim pretty much nailed it. This conceptual artists take on Star Wars, takes it a step further, by making it a real war. With blurredContinue reading “Illustrator Richard Lim puts the Wars back in Star Wars”

Full scale Millennium Falcon completed for Star Wars:Episode VII

When I hear or read about things like this, I always think about that line from Jurassic Park, when the parks creator John Hammond says “Spared no expense”. If this full 1:1 scale model of The Millennium Falcon is any sign of J.J. Abrams dedication to these movies, I’d say he’s in it to winContinue reading “Full scale Millennium Falcon completed for Star Wars:Episode VII”

An open letter to J.J. Abrams about making Star Wars VII

There’s nothing coming out of the London based Star Wars camp, as of late, that has me even remotely interested in how this will all turn out. No one really knows how or what, J.J. Abrams, will do with this beloved franchise. All we have to go on are his previous films, which aren’t bad,Continue reading “An open letter to J.J. Abrams about making Star Wars VII”

Dark Horse’s THE STAR WARS #1 brings to life George Lucas’s first draft

The premise of George Lucas’s “The Star Wars“, written by J.W Rinzler and illustrated by Mike Mayhew, pretty much follows what we now know as Star Wars, but with a little something different…no force, or at least not in this first issue of the Dark Horse Comic’s release. The “Force”, however, is mentioned in aContinue reading “Dark Horse’s THE STAR WARS #1 brings to life George Lucas’s first draft”