Hex 11 #1 is a promising first start for writer Kelly Sue Milano and illustrator Lisa K. Weber

I met writer Kelly Sue Milano and artist Lisa K Weber at this years Fan Fest sponsored by Phoenix Comic Con. They were nestled in a remote corner of the Arizona Cardinals Stadium in Glendale Arizona, the headquarters for this years event. Their booth was tricked out with framed images of the characters from HEXContinue reading “Hex 11 #1 is a promising first start for writer Kelly Sue Milano and illustrator Lisa K. Weber”

Some of the best cosplayers at the Phoenix Comic Con 2014

The results are in and yes, the Phoenix Comic Con is a force to be reckoned with. This year featured booths by Dark Horse Comics, Boom Studios, Archaia Entertainment and many many more. In addition to that, there are a ton of panels and signings, from some heavy hitters in Hollywood and the comic bookContinue reading “Some of the best cosplayers at the Phoenix Comic Con 2014”

Relativity Media adapting the graphic novel Anomaly for a feature film

Weeks ago MITNG did a review on this amazing, augmented reality graphic novel, called Anomaly created by software designer Skip Brittenham and comic book writer and illustrator Brian Haberlin, well today we received word that this epic story is being made into a feature length film. Of course, not everything about this venture is clearContinue reading “Relativity Media adapting the graphic novel Anomaly for a feature film”

ANOMALY proves to be much more than expected

It took awhile, but I finally got around to finishing Anomaly. I first set eyes on this magnificent book at the Phoenix Comic Con 2013 and became an instant fan. Developed by Anomaly Productions started by VFX artist Skip Brittenham and comic book writer and editor Brian Haberlin , Anomaly is a visually groundbreaking augmentedContinue reading “ANOMALY proves to be much more than expected”

Checkout Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder in these amazing photos from Man of Steel

Man of Steel is truly gearing up to be the summer phenomenon of phenomenon’s and despite this, I still get naysayers coming up to me like “what do you think of the Man of Steel trailers?”, not as a believer ,mind you, but as a skeptic. That’s just goes to prove we’ve truly got ourContinue reading “Checkout Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder in these amazing photos from Man of Steel”

Some highlights from the Phoenix Comic Con 2013

The annual pop culture event of the southwest, The Phoenix Comic Con, just wrapped up over memorial day weekend and man was it filled with a shit ton of craziness. Let’s begin with my day one. The showroom floor was set up slightly different than last year, but the exhibitors were in the same hall.Continue reading “Some highlights from the Phoenix Comic Con 2013”

Animator Monty Oum’s unveals an outstanding trailer for RWBY’s “Black Trailer”

Today guests at this years gaming convention PAX East , got the chance to see a mind-blowing trailer from one of anime‘s prodigy’s Monty Oum‘s pet project RWBY. Monty Oum is a self made animator and the brain child behind amazing works like Haloid in 2007 and The Halo inspired, Red V. Blue seasons 8,9Continue reading “Animator Monty Oum’s unveals an outstanding trailer for RWBY’s “Black Trailer””